sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

Kurt Schwitters(1887-1948) Dadaísmo

Revolving, 1919 Relief construction of wood, metal, cord, cardboard, wood, wire, leather, and Oil on canvas122.7 x 88.7 cmThe Museum of Modern Art. New York City

Merzbild Rossfett, c. 1919 Assemblage8 x 6 7/8 in. (20.4 x 17.4 cm)Private collection

Merzbild 5B (Picture-Red-Heart-Church), April 26, 1919.Collage, tempera, and crayon on cardboardGuggenheim Museum, New York

Konstruktion fur edle Frauen (Construction for Noble Ladies), 1919 Assemblage40 1/2 x 33 in. (103 x 83.3 cm)Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Merz Picture 25A: The Star Picture, 1920 Montage, collage and oil on cardboard104.5 x 79 cmKunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf

Merz 163, with Woman Sweating, 1920.Tempera, pencil, paper, and fabric collage mounted on paperGuggenheim Museum, New York

Merz 199, 1921.Papers, fabrics, and paint on newspaperGuggenheim Museum, New York

Oval Construction, 1925 Wood, plywood, nails, and paintYale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut

Maraak, Variation I (Merzbild), 1930 Oil and assemblage of objects on board46 x 37 cmGuggenheim Museum, New York City

Opened by Customs, 1937 Paper collage, oil and pencil on paperTatte Gallery, London

Merzbilde med regnbue (Merzpicture with Rainbow), c. 1939Assemblage61 3/8 x 47 5/8 in. (155.9 x 121 cm)Private collection
Coloured wood construction, 1943 Oil, wood on wood34 x 28 cmKurt and Ernst Hannover Foundation

Hitler Gang, c. 1944 Collage13 5/8 x 9 5/8 in. (34.7 x 24.5 cm)Private collection

For Kate, 1947 Collage3 7/8 x 5 1/8 in. (9.8 x 13 cm)Private collection

Wood on Wood, 1947 Assemblage Private collection
Schwitters designou o seu programa estético de Merz, um termo sem significado especial que se referia aos seus poemas, a uma revista que editou e aos seus trabalhos plásticos. Desenvolvendo uma via quase orgânica, espontânea e automática- ASPECTOS QUE O IDENTIFICAM COM O DADAÍSMO- as suas obras (as Merzbild) são concebidas a partir da reunião de todo o tipo de materiais, objectos e residuos que encontrava ao acaso, segundo a técnica da colagem e assemblage.

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